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This "what has been made known" segment takes a look at issues through a secular worldview and will serve as a surface-level analysis of what the issue is and why it matters. Truth, virtue, and morality are concrete but society has convinced itself of its right to reconfigure them to fit their narrative. By putting on secular lenses we can understand the selfish desires of our flesh and our determination in fulfilling them at the expense of others.


Abortion is the voluntary termination of an unborn child's life and its evacuation from its mother's womb. The child's removal is heinous and treated like the removal of a tumor or parasite even though you and I entered this world by the same means. These children have their own DNA, bodies, and souls. They have the same right to life.


The "my body, my choice" argument is the crutch that pro-choice activism rests on. This statement is logical if someone is referring to getting a tattoo, piercing, or deciding what surgical means they'll undergo during medical treatment. Why are these acceptable but abortion is not? It's simple: 1) the party of one consent and 2) it doesn't endanger another person's life. This statement also fails to recognize that there is another body in the equation. It's not a lump of cells or a tumor that's part of the mother and not supposed to be there. It's another life that is genetically different from the mother. The "my body, my choice" argument is irrelevant because if it's not your DNA, it's not your choice.

  • There are two sets of DNA and two bodies

  • One is your choice, the other is not

  • The mother and child are genetically distinct


During the abortion process, a woman's body naturally resists the removal of the child because it disrupts the primary function of a woman's body. Abortion unnatural and barbaric and it's evident in its practice and the damage it leaves behind.

  • Abortion disrupts the natural process of childbearing which is an essential part of life

  • Abortion sends the mother's body into shock because her body has been working nonstop to nurture & support the human life inside her

  • Abortion rips a child from a place where it's naturally meant to be. The process is barbaric, so barbaric that the child's body is often mangled & left in pieces

*60 million babies have been aborted since Roe v. Wade


Many people believe that women have an understandable reason for terminating the life of their unborn child. The numbers say otherwise.

  • 74% of abortions occur because the mother doesn't want her life to change

  • 1% of abortions occur because the mother was raped

  • <0.5% of abortions occur as a result of incest


To say call an unborn child in the womb a "clump of cells" is a distraction from what's really going on. The development of a child is intricate and fast-paced. We can't see the progress of the child's development but it's there.

1st Trimester

  • Week 8

    • Hands & feet are developing

    • Neural pathways in brain start to form

    • Baby is constantly moving in the womb

  • Week 10

    • Vital organs have developed & are functioning

    • Baby is rapidly moving in the uterus

    • Nails begin to form on hands & feet

  • Week 12

    • Child develops reflexes, can open/close fingers, respond to touch, & make movements with his or her mouth

    • Child’s nerve cells are developing rapidly

  • Abortion method

    • Suction (Aspiration) D&C: Suction catheter is entered into the uterus to extract baby, tools are then used to scrape the uterus of remaining body parts.

2nd Trimester

  • Week 16

    • The child’s face, limbs, & nails are more defined

    • His or her heart begins to pump ~25 quarts of blood

  • Week 20

    • The child’s nervous system is developed enough to feel pain

    • He or she can feel pain in the womb with great intensity

    • Mothers feel the baby move by this point in pregnancy

  • Week 24

    • The baby is roughly a foot long

    • His or her brain is developing rapidly

    • The lungs are forming their branch-like structure

  • Abortion method

    • D&E: Dilation & evacuation is a surgical method that starts with dilating the mother's cervix & then using instruments to dismember the child to extract him or her from the uterus.

3rd Trimester

  • Week 25

    • Child is fully developed can survive outside of the womb

    • The baby’s hair continues to grow, the color & texture can be discerned

    • At this stage, he or she is around 13½ inches long, from head to its heels

  • Week 27

    • The child’s brain tissue continues to develop

    • The baby is sleeping & waking in regular cycles

    • The child’s brain tissue continues to develop

    • Hiccups can be felt at this stage

  • Week 31

    • Baby can turn his or her head to the side

    • He or she is very active in the womb

    • The child continues to develop more fat underneath the skin

  • Abortion method

    • Induction: The child is killed in utero via lethal injection which causes cardiac arrest. The mother is induced so that she can deliver her stillborn child.


  • In 2016, more Black babies were killed by abortion than were born in New York City

  • 79% of Planned Parenthood abortion facilities are located within walking distance of neighborhoods that have proportionately higher populations of black or Latina women

  • If a pregnant woman is murdered, it's counted as a double homicide


Q: What about incidents of rape or incest?

A: Murdering an unborn child is not the answer. Becoming pregnant as a result of either of these incidents would undoubtedly be troubling. However, Two wrongs do not make a right. A family who is unable to bear their own children would love & take care of that child as their own. Unborn babies are innocent & should not be victims of violence because of the evil acts of someone else.

Q: What if a mother's life is at risk?

A: Abortion is never medically necessary. This situation makes up less than 1% of abortions. In almost all of these cases, a c-section or early labor can accomplish what is necessary to protect both mother & child. Plus, God is a God of miracles who, despite all odds, can preserve the life of a mother & child.



A secular defense for the unborn's right to life. Abortion is the barbaric murder of an unborn child in his or her mother's womb. Culture disgustingly talks about the removal of an unborn child as if he or she is a tumor or parasite, even though you and I entered this world by the same means. These children have their own DNA, bodies, and souls—they have the same right to life that you and I do. [This "what has been made known" segment takes a look at issues through a secular worldview through a surface-level analysis of issues. Culture is always reconfiguring their position and switching up their narrative agenda which causes truth, virtue, and morality to slip through the cracks. Resurfacing the truth requires putting on secular lenses in order to understand the selfish desires of our flesh and our determination in fulfilling them at the expense of others.]


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