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One of my favorite things about God is His unpredictability.

When we're in a position to make a decision, we love to jump to conclusions & make assumptions about how it'll turn out. Usually, we assume that nothing extraordinary will come from signing up for a group, event, program, etc. But when we make these assumptions, we take God's sovereignty & incomprehensibility for granted.

As an introvert, I tend to be the first to pass on anything social-related. As a Christian, though, I know that Satan thrives where loneliness exists, so I try to push myself out of my comfort zone as much as possible. When I signed up for @prageru Prager Pairs, I had basic expectations, but God had completely different plans. I got paired with Ivana, & she has been such a blessing in so many ways ever since. Ivana introduced me to @trinicy, an organization that provides Christian mentorship to junior high/high school students, college students, & young professionals, where I'm now a mentee & mentor. She has blessed me with the love & support of her loving family, who all radiate with the love & joy of the Lord. She joined one of my Bible studies, & I've been able to share my professional experience with her as she aids Trinicy's communication efforts. God's hand in all of this has been undeniable, & how He has revealed pieces of His plan leaves me in awe.

The Lord knows what we need & He always provides. For both Ivana & myself, we needed community & more God-fearing women in our lives. Someone who saw the world from a biblical worldview that knew the proper balance between affirming in truth & rebuking in love. I admire her reverence for the Lord & her constant readiness to combat spiritual warfare. When she wields scripture in the name of the Lord, it comes down like the hammer that crushes spiritual hardness (Jeremiah 23:29). She's a steadfast defender of the faith & lover of truth who seeks the Lord in all that she does. I cherish her immensely!

Long story short. God is unpredictable & all-powerful! Be ready & discerning. Seek the Lord in all things. Following Christ means the world will ostracize you, which is ok cause community with other children of God is so much better.


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